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don't download yet, the files are weird

I am using butler to upload my game so I am deleting the files, please wait a few hours for this to be fixed...

Sorry for the inconvenience.

I have downloaded all the things it needs and now it says to make a new folder for something. What do I do now?

I will try to fix it

I have been trying to download it for an hour and it's not downloading correctly. May you please change it for me?

How do you download it?

I can't download it because it says something weird.

On windows, an error occurs then downloading.. Reinstalling the app results in the same thing.

do i need to download unity first?

I think you do, if you still can't download the game after you downloaded unity, I will find a way to fix it

I need UnityPlayer.dll to run the windows version.


I cannot download it, I'm on windows

I will fix it, but there should be two downloads for Mac and windows

If there is any problems, please comment, I will try to fix it ASAP!